Saturday, October 07, 2006

This journey started when I had to buy new bras. I can not find affordable bras in my cup and chest size. This is a problem. They also do not make cute bras in that combination. That little trip to the store got me thinking big time about making some changes in my life.

It's been obvious for a long time that I desperately needed to loose weight. Having three kids and being a homebody, food was the only real excitement in my life for a long time. I resented the fact that I was going to have to quit eating the way I want(ed?) to. Diets meant low fat, reduced calorie everything. Yech. I am finally beginning to see that really, what it means is portion control. I am not going to be able to have everything I want exactly when I want it, and I am going to have to plan more. It doesn't mean no donuts, or no ice cream. It does mean, not th. ree donuts, or melty cheese on everything. But it's doable. I can change. I just had to want to change.

My biggest fear about this whole thing is that I love to cook, love to bake bread, and I love to feed people. AmI going to be able to do these things, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas fast approaching, or am I going to have to give them up. I haven't figured that out yet. I know I am going to have to learn to cook in different ways, and with different ingredients, but am I going to like what I can make?

So here we go. It's going to be a long trip, and like the saying goes, it all starts with the first step. So I will be going to the Weight Watchers meeting on Tuesday, although I have already starting counting points with the help of my MIL. I'm praying for a smooth, path, with few pitfalls and rocks in the way.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
--Phillipians 4:13

1 comment:

Jill said...

I want to encourage you on your journey, Jan.
My bad eating habits led to health problems other than weight--irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, allergies, bronchitus, and asthma.
If I had to watch my diet for the reason of weight alone, I know I could never stick to it. However, if I go off track, I get sick, so it keeps me in line. I want to be healthy and feel good--plus I feel it reflects on my Christian witness when I'm unhealthy.
So my prayers are with you. God bless your efforts--
My prayer is that you will be in health.