Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I am facing a few areas that are particularly challenging in this weight loss journey. The area that is most confusing to me is this whole excercising thing. I have been a bookworm most of my life, and it's surprising to find that I actually like the way I feel after doing a workout video. There are so many differing opinions on how to excercise and what excercise is best for you out there though, that it can be a little confusing.

When I first started excercising, my main motivation was just to get moving. I knew I had to, so I started off doing the easiest excercise program that I got on FIT TV. Now that I have started to lose weight, and I am getting fitter, I find I can do more. No one was more surprised than me the day I decided to do a kick boxing video and actually made it through the whole thing (although I am sure I didn't kick as high as the instructor did, at least I tried) I bought a set of dumb bells, a stability ball and excercise bands. I probably look ridiculous trying all these things, but I am in the privacy of my own room, and no one sees me (God probably gets a little tickled, I bet) and I feel better, so I keep doing it.

Here are some sites I have found that have good information on excercise:
Sparkpeople, and (These are the people that wrote the book You On A Diet. It's a good book, and there are good recipes here, although a little high on points if you are doing Weight Watchers.) Body For Life is another that has good excercise plans.

That being said, I have joined a 100 Days of Excercise Challange. It is just to challenge yourself, not really a program or anything. Progress will show up in the little ticker I set up in the side bar.

Well, after weighing in last week, I am down a total of 29 lbs. I got my 10% keychain last week, and was really hoping to hit a total of 30 lbs gone this week, but I missed it by .4 lbs. It was a little dissapointing to have not made it this week, but I'll get there during this week coming up, right? We had so many great losses at this last meeting, it was just great to cheer for everybody else. One lady had lost 11 lbs in her first week, and another had lost 7. It was really great!

Well, until next time....

1 comment:

Jill said...

Keep up the good work. I'm cheering for you!